Monday, April 23, 2012

What’s Happening Now?

Beyonce’s younger sister Solange has been on the headlines of New York time’s lately. They say that she is the anti- Beyonce' because of what she wears.  People look at her as the cool laid back Brooklyn Mom and as for her sister Beyonce’ she is more of a “look at me now” type person.  During the interview, they discovered that Solange had on the same pair of jeans that the interviewer had on. The jeans cost around $60. To that discovery people are saying “she is just like us.” Known for her electric, colorful style New YorkTimes states  “that she is a style icon!”
Soloange weird style Available at: 
Friday, Apr 20, 2012 / 3:45 PM

According to the Fashionista blog website
  Their African-inspired, Western-influenced collections are locally sourced and sold, giving fashionistas access to pieces that look as good in Nairobi as they would in New York, in Lagos as they would in London, or Pretoria as they would in Paris. 
As the quote above says now Africans don't have to travel all the way to other places just to get the fashion that they crave. That will save them a lot of time and money.
Zandile Blay states that "not only was they talented, but they had style and savvy. Also were bound together by ambition which created cash flow."  You really don't see Africa as a fashion continent until these stylists came about. The new stores are making a big hit!

New African style Available at

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, I thought it was very influential to see the modern day styles of Western Africa!
